Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pasta potential

Yesterday we started with one of the many pasta crafts I have seen/read about on Pinterest and in Family Fun magazine. Frankly to a pre K girly anything with food coloring seems exciting so why not?
Here we took rotini noodles and added what started to be 2T of alcohol along with a few drops of coloring.

 BUT well if you have ever cooked with me you know that I rarely follow a recipe as stated. SO, we added a whole bunch more alcohol so the noodles were mostly saturated but not completely and as many drops as our little heart was content to use.

This transitioned into a wonderful discussion of mixing colors to which we did an experiment directly on the foil. Sadly someone had used all the blue before I could stop her and I barely managed to make green noodles when she pointed out the noodles were already yellow ( as she used yellow food coloring drops on top). Good point green it will now be.
Now let me say that although my original source called for lining cookie sheets with foil to dry I used a paper towel instead. I also left them outside because the smell was a bit much but thankfully once dry overnight (I did bring them back indoors when it got dark) there was no overwhelming odor.

 For my preschool classes at church these will serve as an excellent pre-service activity once I attach rods to board for them to be dropped on. More pics on that to come... PLUS we are trying our hand at coloring spaghetti noodles too. I just don't know if they will remain soft to play with beyond the day you make them. It is just terrible to get paid to create these things I tell ya :) Stay tuned!

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