Friday, June 7, 2013

A week goes by AND..

A whole week of summer has passed me by and big fat ZERO entries from me. Why you ask? OK I know none of you actually asked but play along a bit please.....

JUMP that's why. What is JUMP? Well only the biggest, most amazing VBS/summer camp any kid could possibly attend. It is like a carnival, water park, and VBS experience all wrapped into one. My oldest son has been attending since he was 4 years old and the rest began as soon as they were 5 and could. Not a single one of them have ever asked to stay home. In fact they ALL talk about it all year. 
Check it out for yourself click here

Crazy hair day is pictured above, low and behold sucker girl won in her area.
The picture to the right is after pick up on the last day. Littlest and big sis are cheerleaders through and through.

As you can see this filled all our fun play time. However I managed to stay busy working on some remodeling to my classroom. I wish I could report it was done, but there is significant progress made. Hopefully in another week with bits of time spent I will have more to report on that front.Now in lieu of anything else exciting to share let me include an organizational tip that has worked for me.

Having 4 kids and a firefighter husband means I have to figure out how to get each person to whatever activity is scheduled for any given day. The girls cheer and dance is set nights but the boys are constantly changing. Once upon a time I had it all contained in my brain but well..... lately I can't seem to be certain I remember every detail. SO.... ta da the schedule ring.

Basically one 3x5 card per day of the week you need. For the month of May I needed one for every day of the week but in June things go back to normal (if needing one for 4-5 days a week is normal). I wrote dates for ball games since those were not day of the week specific too. I think I may need to make 2 so hubby doesn't steal it on his off days. 

Hope this helps you too.
Until we meet, or rather you read again. Happy crafty!

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