Monday, May 30, 2016

Oops. you dropped the ball. Pick it up and start again...

First stop is setting goals. In doing so I needed a system to be in place for accountability. This was found on Pinterest. I am certain you may have seen it yourself.

SO, I downloaded the free document and made it my own. Shhhhh. My kids have no idea it was that easy for me to make :)
Feel free to do so yourself. I am definetly a fan of natural consequences. Yet there are times when it takes hard work and determination to get to the heart of the matter too. This does just that.

UPDATE 1 year after original post: STILL works
At this point I am a bit less rigid with handing out the points. I may need to tighten up a bit more and write down the small increments so they don't get lost in the shuffle. The kids have started to "forget" to complete them right away but now that it is summer I am all over that. Regardless the real truth is that a person must pick a system of accountability with their kids and hold to it. Disciplined individuals only come from a parent guiding them along the way. This is definitely the trickiest time in being a momma. Knowing where to let them step out and fail and cheering them on when the succeed. Good luck and share your favorite resources with me too!

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