Thursday, July 18, 2013

Summer Snowball fight and Homemade bubbles

As we have hit the halfway mark in Summer and August begins to be closer than the kids or I would like to admit it is time to pull out all the stops. You know schedule those playdates that you didn't get to yet, figure out when to where and on. The younger boys had football camp which put a wrench in my plans only that they would be starving and a bit tired when done with 2 hours of work in the heat. Keeping this in mind I got to the creating portion of activities to even out the staying home all week. Which idea should I go to next was the question since like most of you I have a whole board of ideas from Pinterest. Summer snowball fight, homemade bubbles and rock candy seemed like just the ticket. I will make the rock candy its own post because it is not complete and already took two attempts.
Homemade bubbles was pretty simple requiring 2 items dish soap and light corn syrup. I know there are literally hundreds of options around the internet on this subject but I stuck with this one. The website said it will last up to 2 weeks in an airtight container BUT since I didn't have one readily accessible so it is in a pitcher (which I made clear to ALL not to drink from). I made it on Monday and it still works on Thursday.

Today we had a snowball fight. Though in hindsight I should have whipped it up myself and then let them play with it but ya know how it is with 6 kids. They just can't stand not being involved. 
SIMPLE.. 2 boxes of cornstarch and 1 can of shaving cream. I would maybe do 1 1/2 cans next time though.

Simply mix together well and then make snowballs. This amount only makes about 6-8 good snowballs. I will double it in the future too.

After we threw the snowballs it turned into an attack on each other. The ingredients are so soft it was the most fun I have had with the kids in sometime. Guess which kid took the pictures because he didn't want to touch the messy stuff?