Today was a very busy day and the first one my niece was back at our house in a weeks time. I can always count on the girls to be more motivated in the crafts and activities dept. As a creative crazy mostly organized momma I have binders where I put papers/magazine clippings of things I think sound yummy, interesting or fun. They are labeled and separated and have proven to be worth the effort to create. On this Friday which transitioned from a planned bike ride to a local town into a stay at home and work day, we needed a break from the work. Well, they didn't work close to the degree that hubby and I did. But unloading and stacking hay along with moving some lumber does count for something.
My dear sweet niece pulled out the binders and picked about 10 foods she would like to make. We (the girls that is) made a shopping list so next week we can make a few. As I flipped through them I cam across a craft called the foaminator. It either came from Parents or my current favorite magazine Family Fun and is not new. All you need are plastic bottles cut in half, towels cut in circles slightly bigger than the bottom of the cut bottle, rubber bands to attach the towel to the bottle and dish soap. I imagine many of you are like me and have those items at home right now.
After cutting the first one we learned that you need to make the bottle shorter than half in size. Another tip is that the towel needs to be cut about an extra inch or so around the circumference of the bottle to make it easier to attach with the rubber band. Our bottles are Ice Mountain and thereby thin. The thicker the water bottle the easier the rubber band won't collapse it. Next you get a dish filled with water, and another dish with nothing but dish soap. Dip the water bottle with towel attached in water first, then soap. Put your mouth on the opening and blow. It is so super cool! The kids were amazed and came flocking to try themselves when they saw our fun. My niece even thought the soap bubbles were interesting enough to play with in her hands too. I wanted to add food coloring to the soap and see if we could make some fun colors but alas hubby beckoned for me to help him outside. Maybe next time since I held on to our creation for more outdoor play another day.
I can't forget to add that sweet Kayla noticed that the remaining piece of plastic when I adjusted the height could be used as a bracelet. Great reduce, reuse, recycle thinking going on today for sure!!
Good luck and feel free to comment and tell me about it if you do it yourself.
This looks similar to one I saw on pinterest - will have to try it when we have our bubble day.