Whew! It sure has been quite sometime since I sat here. I feel a little bit like the mom on the movie Mom's Night Out. I mean how much I wanted to be a blogger, someone who had something to share in this daunting but worth every second mom gig. I like to write but have little true flare except well when it comes from the heart, or the Holy Spirit. Anyway, here I sit on the brink of summer feeling like a freight train almost ran me over. Almost you ask? Why yes because if it had really run me over I would have no hope of prevailing.
This year feels like a year of equipping and restoration. A year to set things in a forward motion in the best way possible. It seems in the years from being a stay at home mom/Aunt to today of a full time teacher, part time preschool coordinator have taken its toll. I had to give up on what once I had time for and live moment to moment. Yet somewhere in that transition I lost the overall focus of my kids futures. Yes the day to day was taken care of but we all just survived. The grace of God has been in it but before my eyes I now have a 14 (less than 2 months from 15) year old full fledge teen son and a 12 halfway to 13 year old daughter. The younger 2 are 10 and just now 7 but there is a bigger of window of time for them. Plus by getting the elders figured out I am only helping them too.
The big ones, oh my precious first 2 kids, every inch of my being is screaming these are your crucial days. Get in there are get busy leading them to the lifestyle God wants them to cling to when they leave. They may be 2 1/2 years apart but so much of their milestones in life have been done together.
SO, here I am. Learning just like them. Will you join me on this journey too?
What resources do you use to guide you in this mom gig?