Thursday, May 30, 2013

Outdoor waterbed WHAT?

Thursday it tis... Tis no better day than today, HA! Needless to say most days will be wonderful ahead since my greatest responsibility is to create fun for the crew. Pinterest is definitely a source of unique ideas and the big girls totally get into checking out plans for us to make. This particular one I noticed a month or more ago intending to complete in the hot days of summer as and excuse to keep kids outside a bit longer. But you know what they say about best laid plans...

For directions click here

 It was super windy so we taped it in the garage and then brought outside as a team to fill with water. There were many mi nor leaks as we did NOT do the best taping job to begin with.. my helpers were a little less experienced.

 At first everyone took things easy treating it like a slip and slide. BUT then they realized kids can be kids and make anything like a party.

I managed to capture C-man and Evangelene mid air.
Alas the inevitable happened and a foot placed in just the wrong spot made a whole. The girls decided to make it bigger and play anyway. Turns out this was a great idea and because it made things SPLASH!
 It was the best hour and half of fun! I plan on doing it again, this time taking more effort in taping the edges better too. I did use 2 mil tarp and not the kind that tore into sheets like the original post mentioned. I simply folded it in half and taped. This was simple, easy and cheap. Good luck making your own water fun!

First days of Summer

This year the summer with the magnificent 6 began on the Tuesday after Memorial day. Tuesday was a roller coaster of changing plans, disappointments and a climax of perfection. Six Flags the last week of May is glorious because fewer people attend. Nearly every ride we went on we did not have to get off. Every one except J rode Screaming Eagle, Pandemonium (which littlest calls Panda Bear) and Mine Train 3-4 times in a row. J did partake in Log Flume and Scrambler with all of us but Thunder River only with M and C as it was NOT hot enough to get as wet as they did. The big girls did manage Mr. Freeze, Batman and American Thunder twice each but the Boss only once since it only has one coaster in use and took forever.

After that the BEST part of the night took place.... dinner. Since it was a very last minute change that allowed us to even go to the park I was completely unprepared dinner wise. At 8pm with kids who haven't eaten in a bunch of hours are starving you go to the closest place possible. In this case it was Denny's. Well praise God it was kids eat free night so 3 of the meals were free. This helped a LOT!. While we waited we played card trick with the passes, connect the dots, and colored. We laughed and joked, all the kids especially K and C were so sweet and thankful for bringing them along. Its funny to think how kids see things because from my point of view I am grateful they want to be a part.

Next Walmart stop, yep at 9:40 pm I took 6 kids to Walmart on a Tuesday night. But well we have a WHOLE list of cool things to do this summer and needed supplies. After breakfast (some cleaning, devotions and wash for me) we headed outside for creation #1. This is an oldie but a goodie. I am not sure if I have made it with my crew at home before if so it has been a very long time. Oobleck is really 2 cups of cornstarch and 1 cup of water. We doubled it per request of K and then a bit later added food coloring for another layer of effect. We were planning to put it on a speaker and play test tones to watch it dance like this YouTube video but well we had way to much fun with it that we never got there. Outside made for MUCH smoother clean up too!
click here

I love how it started in the bowl but didn't stay there. Course in their defense it was my suggestion. (too many hands for a little bowl)

K and A were looking on YouTube for hand clapping games and stumbled upon this concept. They both started out attempting it but K was the only one who stayed with it long enough to get good. 

Here is what we are doing next.. vinegar and egg AND outdoor water bed. Look out for my next post with how it all turns out.